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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hazards of a broken heart

Rejection in love is a potential health risk. It requires more than guts to get over it
"Sometimes I wonder, sweetest love,
if you Were a mere dream in a long winter night,
A dream of spring-days, and of golden light
Which sheds its rays upon a frozen heart;
A dream of wine that fills the drunken eye".
—Jalaluddin Rumi
The Greek philosopher Zeno (356 - 264 B.C.) who founded Stoicism, considered pain to be one of the nine forms of grief. Being abandoned by a lover can be one of the most painful experiences. Incidentally in many cultures a person is not considered to be an adult until he has experienced the pain of a broken heart.
Scientific research aided by functional MRI scans concluded that ‘hear break’ sparks off a specific activity in our brain. Studies revealed how significantly blood flow changes in certain localised areas of the brain in response to loss and social exclusion.
One normally reacts to loss with a feeling of shock and denial. It is as if one cannot believe what has happened and expects the beloved to return any minute. Over the time reality sinks in and then begins the spell of anger and bargaining, which can last for weeks or months, especially if the loss is combined with rejection. It is only after a few months that things gradually return to normal and one reconciles to the reality of things.

Finding relief from such agonising loss can be very difficult, particularly if one tries to interfere with the natural process of grief. It is natural to grieve after a loss and research has established that inhibited grieving can lead to physical and psychosomatic symptoms, often months or years after the event. This is especially true if the person takes tranquillisers or sleeping pills with the notion that this will numb the pain and make things easier.
After one is sure that a relationship is over, it is important to accept this fact. Otherwise one remains in limbo and cannot come to terms with the loss. During this phase it is important to be gentle with oneself and to accept that one will feel upset. This is of essential as many people feel they must be strong. Often others will subtly pressurise you not to show any upset by making remarks such as ‘he’s not worth wasting a minute on?’ Or? ‘Can’t understand how you can miss her?’

Writing about one’s disturbing emotions for around 20 minutes a day has been shown to help move forward the process of grieving and thus lead to an early recovery. In a study in 1994 the psychologist Dr James Pennebaker found that men who had lost their jobs found work significantly faster if they wrote about their experience for 30 minutes a day for five consecutive days. Opening up and expressing your feelings is very therapeutic. For this reason, it is important to surround yourself with supportive friends and not become a recluse. This is necessary because by discussing troubles with others one moves closer to healing.

If you find that you are not able to cope with your work after a week or two of the break up, or if you are not able to get over the loss in a reasonable amount of time (three to six months), then it might be worth consulting a psychotherapist who uses NLP or hypnotherapy. There are some very effective NLP techniques developed by Steve Andreas that help people to get over the loss rapidly and forgive those who they believe have wronged them. In case someone cannot forget an ex-lover, certain hypnotic techniques can facilitate this. However, one must be careful about whom you consult as most of the dangers of hypnosis are related to poor therapeutic techniques. I have seen too many people who have been damaged by ill-trained hypnotists.

I have found certain non-judgmental spiritual practices to be helpful in this regard. For people who are mildly upset the Buddhist meditation practices aimed at developing compassion and forgiveness are particularly useful. Finally one must not forget that a broken heart is one way of entering the spiritual path. The Sufi mystic Jalaluddin Rumi wisely observes: ‘‘The agony of lovers burns with the fire of passion; they leave traces; broken hearts are the doorway to God?’’ 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


For women, crying is an art form. They
sob with their hearts hanging on their
sleeves and tears running down their
cheeks. Yes, when it comes to the
battle of the sexes, this is one thing
women undisputedly do so much better
than men.
The fact is, women, on an average, cry
five times more than men. And men For
most of them 'crying' constitutes little
more than a welling up of tears.
Why don't most men cry?
Men have a difficult time expressing
their feelings, especially when it comes
to crying. Most men from the time they
were boys, are taught that crying is a
feminine characteristic seen as a sign
of weakness.
What are tears?
Tears are of three types: continuous,
reflex and emotional. Continuous tears
are the ones which just flow to
lubricate your eyes,


Stress is an inseparable part of break up and all other ups and downs which take place in life. However, human beings have to move on and learn to smile again after going through incidences like break up. Read on to find some helpful tips for coping with stress after break up.

It is not easy to handle when any significant relationship ends. No matter whether you wanted it or not, a committed and long-term relationship can turn your whole world upside down if it breaks up. There are all sorts of upsetting and painful feelings that get triggered. But do not worry. There are things that you can be done so that you come out of this difficult time without much damage.

Tips to Cope with Stress after Break Up

Stress is an inseparable part of break ups, fights and all ups and downs in life. Read on to find some helpful tips for coping with stress after break up.

Divert your Mind

The best thing that you can do is to divert your attention and concentrate on your hobbies and try to develop them.

Start new Activities

Try to join a gym or start an exercise routine as that it can help you calm down as well as help you remain fit too. If you will become fit and healthy, it will be beneficial for you in the long run.

Chat with Friends

Hang out with friends that can really help you forget about everything. Choose the friends that care for you and they will do their best to bring a smile on your face. It is also better to prefer the friend whose company makes you happy and you enjoy the most instead of going in the crowd of friends. It can even work in the opposite way and you may feel more depressed and lonely.

Do not Binge

Do not ever binge into drinking or eating a lot. Drinking alcohol will only worsen your condition and if you seek refuge in eating anything and everything you will end up having severe health problems.

Stay Safe

Stay safe always, both physically and emotionally. This is very important because you may find some selfish individuals coming near you if they come to know about your breakup. Do not let them take undue advantage of your condition.

Take your own Time

Take your own time to get recharged. Think positively and practically. Analyze the relationship that ended and try to forget about it.

Build your Self Esteem

Try to build up your self-esteem. Take professional help if needed. There is nothing wrong to consult a specialist if you are not able to cope with the stress of the breakup.

Many think that why a breakup hurts so much even if they wanted or expected it to happen since long time. The main reason is that the breakup represents the loss and leaves you lonely for the time being. You feel that the dreams and commitments that you shared has ended and this triggers the pain. In such situation, if you feel like crying do not stop it. This will help you get out of the stress easily.

Romantic relationships initiate with a high note of excitement and take you to lots of future planning together. When you fail to get these dreams off the ground and the relationship fails, there is profound disappointment, grief and stress experienced. In fact, everything gets disturbed, your routine, your home, your duties, responsibilities, friends and relatives and even your priorities after the breakup.

However, you have to restart your life now. You can learn about relationships and everything related to it by this breakup. You need to be honest when you are going through this heal up process. Do not deny if you feel depressed. Get along in something exciting but never get into any other relationship just because you want a shoulder to cry.


A friend is someone who walks in when the whole world walks out. Our friends are equity shares we earn in life. We continue to reap dividends on them throughout our lives. Yet today how many of us have shoulders to lean on outside our immediate familial relationships? In a highly competitive and result oriented world, we seem to be drifting away from each other all the time. This is not to say that the world is short of amiable individuals, but rather that we have forgotten the art of maintaining positive camaraderie. In a mad rush to keep up with the fast changing pace of urban living, we fail to nurture and care for basic ties of love and warmth that binds us all together.

Tips for Better Friendships
1. Being Fully Committed
2. Taking Personal Responsibility
3. Taking Care of Yourself
4. Being honest, and
5. Doing Your Work—will allow you to experience the love, happiness, joy, and quality of life that you deserve, and is worth your best effort!

How to Make Relationships Work

• Don`t try too hard to convince the other person of your love. Love and trust yourself more. This will relax your love defenses and enable you to give yourself totally to relationship.
• Don`t question the other person`s love all the time.
• Feel the oneness of the universe.Step beyond the `me first` conflicts that mar relationships. This would help you be complete within yourself.
• Don`t use your relationships to fulfill your expectations.
• Know yourself. Analyze the cause of your reactions.
• Acknowledge the other person as an individual. Grow and let grow.
• In a conflicting relationship, check where you went wrong rather than where the other person failed. Listen to each other. Communication strengthens the foundation of a relationship.
• Take the first step in working out a relationship without worrying about who is in the right. Don`t depend on any person and don`t let the other person depend on you.

Use Tall, Narrow Glasses To Cut Down On Drinking

Whether it's alcohol or soft drink, drinking too much of anything other than water can play havoc with your weight. Trick yourself into drinking less by using taller, narrower glasses. In a post at, dietician Brian Wansink offers a series of hints on how to cut down on what you consume. Amongst them is this useful technique
 Drink from a skinny glass. Your mind perceives height more readily than width, so you'll think you had more.